How to unlock $160.000 in annual cost savings – by using automated alert notifications

Oct 21, 2024 | General

From Chaos To Efficiency

In today’s fast-paced world, time is money. The faster we can resolve one client’s issue, the quicker we can move on to the next, boosting client satisfaction and maximizing operational efficiency. However, the journey from identifying a problem to resolving it is often prone to delays and human errors. That’s why having an efficient, reliable and fast alert notification process is crucial for driving customer satisfaction and ensuring cost savings.

One of our Managed Service Provider customers shared their experience, highlighting how their process transformed after deploying our mobile alert notification platform. To maintain data security and honor our agreements, we are using the fictional name “Tech Solutions” in place of our customer’s real name.

Let’s take a closer look at the impact: a day with Derdack’s mobile alert notification platform versus one without it.

The difference automated alerting brings with respect to time, efficiency, and cost savings is striking.

The Chaos: A Day without Derdack’s automated alerting

It’s a typical Monday morning at Tech Solutions, a busy IT support firm. The office buzzes with activity – phones ringing off the hook, conversations blending into a steady hum, and the occasional sigh of frustration breaking through the noise.

Incident Detection
At 9:00 AM, the monitoring system detects a critical system down at one of our major clients. The incident triggers a red alert on the monitoring dashboard.

Human Vigilance
The screen gazer, John, our diligent service desk agent, glances at the dashboard. But it’s a busy day, and he’s juggling multiple tasks. He finally notices the alert at 9:05 AM.

Manual Call Logging
John opens the call management console, searches for the client’s details, identifies the appropriate support group, and types out all necessary information. This process, fraught with opportunities for errors, takes about 10 minutes.

Phoning the Engineer
At 9:15 AM, John phones the on-call engineer, Lisa. She’s on another call and takes a few minutes to respond. By 9:25 AM, Lisa is finally notified about the issue.

Risks and Delays
What has happened here is,that we lost 25 minutes from the moment the incident triggered to finally reaching someone who is looking into it. This manual process not only drains valuable time but also opens the door to costly human errors. If John had missed the alert or entered incorrect details, the consequences could be severe: missed SLAs, client dissatisfaction, and potential financial penalties.

The Transformation: A day with Derdack´s automated alerting

Now, let’s rewind and see how the same scenario unfolds using alerting notifications.

Automated Alerting with SIGNL4

Seamless Incident Detection

At 9:00 AM, the monitoring system detects the same critical system down. This time, the event is immediately sent to the Derdack alerting software in real-time. Why? Because an automated notification workflow has been set up that triggers the instant call logging in our next step.

Instant Call Logging

Derdack takes over, logging the call in the management system automatically. It categorizes the incident, assigns it to the correct support group, based on “Tech Solution’s on-call schedule, and inputs all necessary information within seconds.

Automated Alert Notifications

Within moments, Derdack sends a notification to Lisa, the on-call engineer, and alerts John that the call has been logged and assigned. John’s role now is simply to ensure that Lisa has acknowledged the alert.

The Difference in Numbers

In the manual scenario, from detection to engineer notification, a total of 25 minutes elapsed. With Derdack’ automated alert management, the entire process was completed in seconds, saving a significant amount of time and reducing the risk of errors.

Time and Cost Savings from automated alerting notifications

The time Derdack saves isn’t just a few minutes here and there—it directly translates into significant financial gains. Let’s break it down step-by-step (and feel free to plug in your own numbers to see just how much value you could unlock):

Time Saved Per Incident: 25 minutes
Cost of an Engineer for 30 minutes: $60
Incidents Per Day: 10
Daily Savings: $600
Monthly Savings: $13,200 (22 working days)
Annual Savings: $158,400

These calculations demonstrate that Derdack can save Tech Solutions $158,400 per year on just one process. This figure is conservative, assuming only 10 incidents per day, but the actual savings could be even higher with more incidents or additional automated alerting processes being set up.

The transition from a manual process to Derdack’s automated alert notification platform has been a game-changer for Tech Solutions. By eliminating delays and reducing the risk of human error, Derdack not only ensures faster resolution of client issues but also brings substantial cost savings. In a world where time is indeed money, Derdack’s alerting software stands as a crucial ally, driving efficiency and boosting profitability.

Imagine what your organization could accomplish by harnessing the power of Derdack. The future of

  • efficient
  • error-free,
  • and cost-effective operations is here.

Are you ready to make the switch?

Interesting links:

Industrial Alarm Management

Alert Notifications

Discover SIGNL4

SIGNL4 Alerting App

Stay ahead of critical incidents with SIGNL4 and its superpowers. SIGNL4 provides superior and automated mobile alerting, delivers alerts to the right people at the right time and enables operations teams to respond and to manage incidents from anywhere.

Learn more about SIGNL4 and start your free 30-days trial.