Oncall Scheduling

Welcome to SIGNL4 oncall and duty scheduling. SIGNL4 provides a comprehensive digital and mobile on-call scheduling and on-call management solution, also covering all related communications and alerting needs.

Oncall Scheduling SIGNL4

Just a few clicks. Everything digital.

With SIGNL4, you can schedule your on-call times with just a few mouse clicks and in no time at all. Instead of using Excel spreadsheets, you can conveniently and transparently plan your shifts in the web browser. A copy mode makes it easy to duplicate weeks or months based on your needs.

Oncall Scheduling SIGNL4

Alert Notifications

Digital Scheduling

  • Centrally schedule oncall duties and shifts in your web browser for all your teams
  • Schedule multiple people for the same shift
  • Total planning flexibility including overlapping schedules/time slots
  • Granularity of 30 mins in scheduling
  • Time zone  support
  • Copy mode to replicate existing rotations/schedules

Who is on call?

Instant Visibility

  • Cross-team “Who is on duty” Dashboard with real-time, digital information
  • Shareable duty board, e.g. to display duty information in your SOC/NOC
  • Who is on duty access from the mobile app
  • Privacy control, e.g. to hide teams or personal phone numbers from duty board
Who is on call Dashboard
oncall duty management

Duty Management

Shift Handover and Stand-ins


  • Mobile push reminders for upcoming shifts
  • Automated punch in/out of team members based on the team’s schedule
  • Simple stand-ins by punching in/out from within the mobile app
  • Handover assistant to display shift patterns in the scheduler

Oncall Scheduling Reports

Reporting and Audit Trail

  • Automated post-shift reports by email including all alert details
  • Past shifts are locked for audit reasons
  • Minimum staffing level enabled based on the number of scheduled team members
  • Download of CSV files with all monthly duty records
SIGNL4 Webportal Duty Export

Next Steps

Learn more about SIGNL4 and start your free 30-days trial