Mobile Alerts for Icinga at Net at Work

Mobile Alerts for Icinga at Net at Work

Meet a typical challenge of 24/7 IT operations Net at Work is a German IT company with over 100 employees that provides its customers with solutions and tools for digital communication and collaboration. Their product NoSpamProxy offers reliable protection against...
What is alert fatigue?

What is alert fatigue?

Alert fatigue is a serious issue that affects numerous professions, e.g. in IT or healthcare. It can lead to neglecting critical events and delaying response times. Responders need to continuously monitor their systems and applications to avert possible downtime and...
What is incident response?

What is incident response?

Incident response is the process of responding to and managing the aftermath of a security breach or cyber attack. It involves a systematic approach to identifying, containing, and mitigating the consequences of an incident in IT, OT or Cybersecurity, with the goal of...