How to use the Rest API to manage SIGNL4 categories
SIGNL4 Categories The categories in SIGNL4 are a powerful tool to make it clear to users at first glance what a particular alert is about. For example, colors, icons, location and predefined texts can be configured here. Categories can be created and edited manually....
August 2023 update – calendar export and video attachments in the mobile app
Our August update brings the ability to export shift scheduling from SIGNL4 to other calendar apps. In addition, video attachments are now supported for Signls. As always, all the details are in this blog article. Export duty schedules to external calendar apps From...
July 2023 Update – New user management, Duty stand-ins, incident response in voice-calls and simplified SSO
User July update includes a new and optimized user management in the web portal and a new feature in the duty scheduler, which allows to easily create stand-ins for scheduled duty personnel. Furthermore, it is now possible to acknowledge or close Signls directly...