Our Blog

The Derdack SIGNL4 blog is an essential hub for professionals aiming to boost their alert management and operational response. It delivers expert insights and tips on maximizing SIGNL4 for efficient alerting, team collaboration, and incident management. Ideal for IT, operations, and security teams, this blog offers practical guidance for enhancing response times and operational workflows.

Azure Application Insights

Azure Application Insights

Are you using Azure Application Insights for health monitoring of your website or web app? If so, I bet you have alerts setup to get notified in case of service health issues. By default, you or your whole team will get an email. But how do you know who took...

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Mobile alerts for Cumulocity-managed IoT devices

Mobile alerts for Cumulocity-managed IoT devices

IoT platforms such as Cumulocity by Software AG are a crucial part in a proper "Industry 4.0" implementation. The Deutsche Telekom AG is using Cumulocity for their new IoT products like "Predictive Maintenance" and the "Cloud der Dinge Starterkit". They are used to...

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DevOps – Boost Responsiveness with Alerts

DevOps – Boost Responsiveness with Alerts

The key to efficient devops procedures lies in responsiveness, clear responsibility and incident ownership. Alerts and notifications are effective tools to increase these key factors. In today's agile environments with a demanding customer landscape, a rapid response...

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Mobile Push for B2B Communication

Mobile Push for B2B Communication

SIGNL4 provides a simple way to use mobile push notification to effectively communicate with closed client and customer communities. It opens an excellent channel in B2B communication. Generally, mobile push is an effective mean of communication. Attention level is...

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C# code for the SIGNL4 webhook

C# code for the SIGNL4 webhook

When I started with my first Raspberry mini computer, I selected Windows 10 IoT Core as the operating system. This allowed for using Visual Studio and C#. It is not that difficult to call a webhook from your C# code, though a couple of pitfalls await you when your...

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Microsoft OMS Alerts to your ITOps Team

Microsoft OMS Alerts to your ITOps Team

Responding to OMS alerts occuring in after-hours can be challenging with Microsoft's native mobile app, because: People forget to turn off notifications when their duty has ended, but getting them when you are off duty sucks There is no know way for the team to know...

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Azure Monitor

Azure Monitor

SIGNL4 provides persistent and real-time alert notifications to your admin team. Sending alert notifications exclusively to members on duty reduces response times, notification noise and fatigue. Ownership of alerts improves accountability and ensures real-time...

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There is no easier way to receive mobile alert notifications from Splunk than using SIGNL4, a lightweight notification app for powerful mobile alerting and alert management. Update: There is now a Splunkbase SIGNL4 app available. Here is video how it works. Splunk...

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Custom Weather Alerts on your Mobile

Custom Weather Alerts on your Mobile

Accessing generic weather information on your smartphone is common these days. But what about custom, condition-based alerts? For instance to Inform your employees automatically about severe weather conditions hampering their morning travel to your office Dispatch...

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IT Monitoring and Operations

IT Monitoring and Operations

Situation Knowing about IT incidents as fast as possible is key in IT Operations Management to ensure maximum IT uptime. Critical incidents or IT problems are often communicated by email only, typically as a broadcast to the complete team. This leads to confusion...

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Geofencing Alerts with Automate or Tasker

Geofencing Alerts with Automate or Tasker

Objective The simple idea is to trigger a signal when a person or an object leaves a specified area. This can be useful for example if you would like to protect cars, boats, containers or construction equipment from being stolen. In our scenario we will just use an...

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Alert Notifications for Maintenance Teams

Alert Notifications for Maintenance Teams

Maintenance of machines is an incredibly important task. And it is important to fix a machine before it completely fails. Once an issue is detected is important to communicate as reliably and quickly as possible to the right engineer. Ideally, the machine is connected...

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