SCADA Alarm Notifications
Achieve a faster response to machine breakdowns, quality incidents and maintenance calls with the SIGNL4 advanced SCADA alarm notification software
- RAdvanced SCADA alarm notification software
- RMobile Notification App
- RMore than 1,000 Customers worldwide
- RHighest Security (TISAX label)
How it works
Why do you need a SCADA alarm notification software?
When on the shopfloor or at a large manufacturing facility, large distances need to be covered, yet speed is essential. SIGNL4 provides a fast, reliable, and mobile option to bridge such distances, reduce unnecessary alert noise and streamlining the operations of machinery and assembly lines. With SIGNL4’s advanced notifications, machines, PLCs, MES and SCADA systems can send urgent service or maintenance requests directly and automatically to mobile devices of on-call teams and responsible workforce.

How it works
The mobile app for SCADA alarm notifications
The mobile app of SIGNL4 displays an alert and job queue to workers on the plant floor. They can then take ownership of incidents, alerts, and service requests. In real-time, operators then see who responded or who took over which maintenance job. All is fully transparent and there is no need to search for idle team members or to ensure ownership has been taken. Later shifts can easily see what happened and which jobs were done or are still in the queue.
One-touch communication options help engineers to contact each other to solve problems jointly. An integrated chat allows for real-time communication between experts.
Duty and Shift Management
Integrated Duty Scheduling
SIGNL4 provides integrated, easy to use shift and duty scheduling. It provides for automated routing of critical alerts to staff on the shopfloor and to the right people at the right time. All you need is your browser to schedule your team’s availabilities.

Seamless connectivity
Integrations and APIs
Integrates with SCADA and other manufacturing systems via Email, Webhook, REST and 2-way connectors. Optional S7 PLC connectivity with Edge Proxy. Consolidates events and alerts from multiple sources in IT, IoT, manufacturing, etc. 175+ tested and verified integrations.
Streamline shop floor alerting
Centralizing SCADA Alarm Notifications
SIGNL4 is a reliable and highly secure solution that runs in the cloud and offers comprehensive functions for effective 24/7 alerting an centralized alert management. SIGNL4 unifies events and alarms from PLCs, MES and SCADA systems and provides a central place of management and “pane of glass” for your operations.

Automated mobile maintenance alerts and app-based industrial alarm management lead to a much faster response and handling of incidents, quality issues, service jobs or even interruption of manufacturing or machinery operations. Your Mean-Time-To-Response (MTTR) is reduced significantly. Alerts are targeted to your teams that are actively on duty and can respond to the issue at hand.
SIGNL4 offers an affordable, fast and easy option to enhance your operations. It is an essential building block of any smart and automated factory. The Return-On-Investment (ROI) is quick through the simplification and automation of previously manual processes.

“Thanks to SIGNL4, we have an automated, reliable and fast alerting process for our baggage handling system and other critical systems such as the docking guidance. This allows for guaranteeing a maximum response time of three min until remediation starts.”
A proven solution
1000+ Customers worldwide

Next Steps
Learn more about SIGNL4 and start your free 30-days trial of SIGNL4 SCADA alarm notifications
A proven solution
Test Winner
The renowned German manufacturing magazine “Factory Innovation” recently conducted a comprehensive practical test on four leading alarm notification software for industrial manufacturing in their latest issue (01/23). The four alarming systems that were evaluated include: the Alarm Control Center from Alarm IT Factory (a spin-off of Siemens AG), ALERT 4.0 from Micromedia, the Alarm and Information Portal (AIP) from VIDEC, and SIGNL4 from Derdack.

“Overall probably the system with the most innovative range of functions and well-deserved 1st place.”